Pond Strategies For Your Home Landscape

A pond in your front or backyard creates a serene environment away from everyday responsibilities. You could spend several thousand dollars hiring a pond contractor for your vision, but it is possible to create your own pond with some clever tips.

Choosing Your Location

Find an area that does not have any underground wiring or pipes. Although ponds are relatively shallow, you do not want any water near utilities to keep your property safe from shocks or expensive damage. The area should be flat and well-drained. Water should not accumulate in this area, such as a low-lying spot on your property, to prevent pond overflows on rainy days.

Pond Type

For an easy installation, choose a pre-formed pond. Appearing like a small child’s pool, these ponds are simply placed into an excavated hole and are ready for immediate use. Pond liners, in contrast, allow you to excavate a unique pond shape and cover it with sturdy liners to hold the water. 

Add Plants

Select plants native to pond areas, such as water lilies. Plants help your pond water by fighting algae accumulation and benefit any fish with gas exchange. Your pond appears like a natural addition to your landscape.

By selecting a prime location for your pond, you can improve your landscape dramatically. Plan for your new addition and you’ll have a relaxing getaway every day of the year.