Helpful Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Pond

Helpful Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Pond
If you live in Venice or Sarasota, Florida, spring cleaning your pond can be exciting because it provides an opportunity to experience the joys of a pond when the weather is perfect. Let’s review a few tips that will simplify the process of cleaning your pond.

One of the first steps involved in the process is draining the water by placing the clean-out pump in the deep section of the pond before turning it on. Be sure to plan in advance where you’ll drain the pond water. Once you have drained the pond, it’s time to remove debris. Your focus should be on removing large debris with a net to keep it from decaying and contributing to the growth of algae.

After removing large debris, you can remove any of the sludge that tends to build up on the walls and floor of a pond. Generally speaking, you can use a garden hose and a cleaning product of your choice. Before refilling the pond, inspect the filters and seal any leaks that might exist in the liner. The water used to refill your pond should be conditioned for the safety of your fish.

Once you have refilled your pond, it’s time to add fish and plants. The only thing left is to enjoy your pond and the enhanced environment.